
The hourly rate for 2024 has been set at € 11.58

The Government pays in 2024 € 10.45 an hour.

This price includes hot organic meals, all care products and activities and no teachers from outside Kino-kinderopvang

Number of hours a week Number of hours a month Monthly rate
1 day * Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
2 days 22 hours 95,33 hrs € 1103,96
3 days 33 hours 143 hrs € 1655.94
4 days 44 hours 190,67 hrs € 2207.92
5 days 55 hours 283,33 hrs € 2759.90


Days per week Number of hours per month Monthly rate
1* Not applicable Not applicable
2 95,33 hrs € 1103.96
3 143 hrs € 1655.94
4 190,67 hrs € 2207.92
5 283,33 hrs € 2759.90


* We do not offer 1-day care. In our experience, children find it difficult to come to daycare for just one day of the week. It is a different environment a child has to get used to. The child needs to find a balance between daycare and home. Only one day a week, this is difficult to achieve and the adjustment process takes a long time. With changes at home, or when a child is going through a major development, the adjustment process starts all over again. We find that children who come to daycare for two or more days a week, feel comfortable and more at home with us.

  • We invoice a monthly rate that is the same each month. The number of days per week X 11 hours a day X 52 weeks / 12 = the number of hours per month.
  • The hourly rate takes national holidays (when the daycare is closed) into account.
  • A small difference in rounding off may occur (in cents)
  • Sickdays may be exchanged for another day within one month, provided the group has availability on the requested days. 
  • Prices increase annually to compensate wage increase, inflation and changes in legal requirements.

Childcare allowance

Parents who work or study in the Netherlands can apply for childcare benefit (Kinderopvangtoeslag). The height of the allowance depends on your gross income, the number of hours you work, and the number of children you have. At the Belastingdienst, the Dutch Tax Office, you may find more information and apply. You must apply for childcare benefit within 3 months after the start of your child at the childcare centre to receive a maximum payment.

When applying for Childcare allowance, you need the LRK Registration number of Kino. This is 14 25 323 44.